Making a Killing: Weapons of War, by Brian Chval

The return on jobs is paltry at best, while sectors that create far more jobs relative to the money spent, such as education, green energy, health care, and infrastructure – sectors that could actually serve to create a better future – are grossly underfunded.

“Staggerlee wonders” by James Baldwin

And, anyway, none of this changes the reality,  which is, for example, that I do not want my son  to die in Guantanamo,  or anywhere else, for that matter,  serving the Stars and Stripes.  (I've seen some stars. I got some stripes.)  Neither (incidentally) has anyone discussed the Bomb with the niggers:

Media for Justice and Peace, Rise Up Times Summary, July 2023

Media for Justice and Peace New Posts for July 2023 Share     Tweet     Forward      PLEASE SHARE WIDELY DONATE TODAY Lake St. and 11th Ave. Minneapolis MN   Photo: Rise Up Times FEATURED Fragmentary Connections: A Meditation on War, Peace, Community, and Climate REFLECTIONS ON WHERE WE HAVE BEEN AND WHERE WE ARE More

Prof. John Mearsheimer: Dissent on Ukraine, interview by Glenn Greenwald

Greenwald: I want to ask...about the cost beyond just the financial cost, in particular the reaction of the rest of the world to America and what it is doing to American standing. John Mearsheimer On US Power & the Darkness Ahead for Ukraine Glenn Greenwald  / System Update  /  July 1, 2023 Greenwald: More

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