Making a Killing: Weapons of War, by Brian Chval

The return on jobs is paltry at best, while sectors that create far more jobs relative to the money spent, such as education, green energy, health care, and infrastructure – sectors that could actually serve to create a better future – are grossly underfunded.

Climate Change: Why Internationalism?

Excellent presentations by Shemona Moreno of Seattle re building solidarity with global movements; Marc Rosenthal from Wisconsin with a focus on pipeines (Enbridge) and cross-border solidarity, May action will include Minneapolis; Ferron Pedro describes the Stop EACOP campaign (East African Oil Pipeline) a pipeline that will cross central Africa (massive crude oil through the heart of Africa, 54 million tons of carbon per year) proposed by France Total (a corporation) and China National Offshore Corporation; EACOP insurers are located in the U.S. Also outdated coal power plants in So. Africa; Daniel Hunter presents 350 international history.

Chris Hedges: “Fire Weather”: Big Oil’s Climate Conflagration

The destruction of vast forests sold to timber companies and the scraping away of the topsoil have left behind poisoned wastelands. This industrial operation, perhaps the largest such project in the world, is rapidly accelerating the release of the carbon emissions that will, if left unchecked, soon render the planet uninhabitable for humans and most other species.   

They Are Not Numbers in Gaza and Photo Essay, Twin Cities Protests

As always, we as U.S. citizens, must ask first what is the role of the U.S.? The answer is that, along with political support, the U.S. has been providing the bombs, bullets, and fighter jets to Israel. The abhorrent killing of these youth – and all the other people in Gaza – are why we need to do what we can to force our government to end hostilities and free Palestine.

Glenn Greenwald: Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Ends Her Reign: Exposing a Catastrophic Career

Nuland’s status as both a singular force for war and destruction—and her status as one of the most vivid symbols of how bipartisan and insulated from elections is this warmongering ideology—makes her particularly worthy of examination, especially upon her glorious resignation, the final end to her bloodthirsty reign. Understanding her trajectory is vital to understanding how Washington really functions.

Divest from Militarism, Invest in Life! a conversation about war and climate change

Climate collapse in Gaza is a manufactured crisis and includes 281,000 metric tons of carbon in less than 100 days from the bombing as well as the destruction of 800,000 olive trees destroying not only the economy of Gaza but were old growth trees that remove CO2 from the air. Do not depend on the DOD to lead energy transition: we have all we need in the civilian sector, -Neta Crawford

David Swanson: There Is No Right Side in War

When the United States faced the need to end Jim Crow, it was not a need to surrender to its enemies, but to integrate them, to become a nation that included more people on equal terms all as fellow people, neighbors, friends, companions. This was unthinkable to those who insisted on a white nation. In Israel it is unthinkable to those who insist on a Jewish nation.

10 Biggest Oil Companies, by Nathan Reiff

Rising public concern about climate change and measures to reduce the use of carbon-based fuels have yet to fully impact the industry. Two of these oil and gas giants—Exxon and Shell—also fall into the category of being some of the most profitable companies in the world.

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