A Life on Our Planet: David Attenborough (video)

David Attenborough's take on a simple solution to ease if not halt the climate crisis. If only those who have control of the political system would listen instead of being involved in petty politics and pushing more and more fossil fuel sources and use. And of course all that money that is going to the military that could be used to stop the wars, save the earth and in the process most likely the human race and all creation.

What Are You Drinking? by Susu Jeffrey

If you don’t live in Flint, Michigan or Jackson, Mississippi, you may want to ask where your potable (drinkable) water comes from and how it’s delivered. People in the Twin Cities drink out of the Mississippi River. The City of Minneapolis distributes 57 million gallons of water daily to its three million residents plus businesses More

Green New Deal Advocates Should Address Militarism, by Medea Benjamin – Alice Slater

Where is the call for the New Peace Deal that would free up hundreds of billions from the overblown military budget to invest in green infrastructure? Environmentalists need to contest the Pentagon’s staggering global footprint. The US military is the world’s largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels and the largest source of greenhouse gasses, contributing about 5 percent of global warming emissions.

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