Leave Africa for Africans, by Mary Beaudoin

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, whom we could expect to be a big fan of coups given how instrumental she was in orchestrating one in Ukraine in 2014, flew to the Nigerien capital, Niamey, on August 6. However, this time she was in opposition to the coup...

Chris Hedges: Exterminate All the Brutes

It is an attempt by Israel to erase not only a people, but the idea of Palestine. It is a carbon copy of the massive campaigns of racialized slaughter by other settler colonial projects who believed that indiscriminate and wholesale violence could make the aspirations of an oppressed people, whose land they stole, go away. And like other perpetrators of genocide, Israel intends to keep it hidden.

From Niger to Haiti to Cop City, Defeat the War Against African People!

The U.S. wages a war against African people in Niger as it seeks to continue military and economic domination of that nation and the rest of the continent. In Haiti, an impending occupation uses African and Caribbean nations as a cover for U.S. imperialism. The U.S. Africa Command, AFRICOM, is replicated in Atlanta, Georgia with “Cop City,” an effort to impose militarized policing with the help of a compromised Black misleadership class,

Leave No One Behind: Repatriating Deported Veterans

VFP Chapter 182 Resource and Information Center Office in Tijuana, BC, Mex., providing access to pro-bono legal counsel, case management, and other support services to help veterans rebuild their lives in deportation and obtain their VA Benefits they qualify for in exile.

“Staggerlee wonders” by James Baldwin

And, anyway, none of this changes the reality,  which is, for example, that I do not want my son  to die in Guantanamo,  or anywhere else, for that matter,  serving the Stars and Stripes.  (I've seen some stars. I got some stripes.)  Neither (incidentally) has anyone discussed the Bomb with the niggers:

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