
What Is This “New Russian Space Threat”? by Joel Weisberg

Exaggerating and hyping a “new” Russian threat revives Cold War fears, moves us further away from negotiation and cooperation, and provides the rationale that we’ve seen countless times before to increase military spending. This article examines if, and how seriously we need to take media reports. Image: 1957, More

Making a Killing: Weapons of War, by Brian Chval

The return on jobs is paltry at best, while sectors that create far more jobs relative to the money spent, such as education, green energy, health care, and infrastructure – sectors that could actually serve to create a better future – are grossly underfunded.

Chris Hedges: You Saved Julian Assange

This sustained pressure — during a London hearing in 2020, to my delight, District Judge Vanessa Baraitser of the Old Bailey court overseeing Julian’s case, complained about the noise protestors were making in the street outside — shines a continuous light on injustice and exposes the amorality of the ruling class.

Glenn Greenwald: Julian Assange’s Plea Deal: EXPLAINED

Unless you are somebody who has been in [Assange’s] position and has shown a willingness to sacrifice even more than Assange has ─ nobody has any standing to object to what Assange chose to do [in pleading guilty to charges of espionage] but that doesn't mean that the decision they forced him into [for freedom] isn't incredibly dangerous to the Press freedoms that the United States repeatedly claims around the world that it protects.

Nero’s Guests in Palestine, by Chris Hedges

Hatred is a dangerous political commodity. The Palestinian “human animals,” when eradicated or subdued, will be replaced by Jewish apostates and traitors. A politics of hatred creates a permanent instability, exploited by those seeking the destruction of civil society.

Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism, by Joseph Stiglitz

Neoliberalism was predicated on the belief that unfettered markets are the most efficient means of achieving optimal outcomes. Yet even in the early days of neoliberalism’s ascendancy, economists had already established that unregulated markets are neither efficient nor stable, let alone conducive to generating a socially acceptable distribution of income.

Capitalism Can’t Overcome the Laws of Physics, by Pete Dolak

The infrastructure to build solar panels, windmills and all else will use large amounts of resources, including toxic “rare earth” minerals. Renewable energy, although vital if we are to have a future, isn’t a shortcut to reversing global warming.

Assange Wins! Highlights of the Day

Stella (Assange's wife): Thank you. I want to be very clear today marks a turning point. We went into court and we sat and heard the United States fumbling through their arguments trying to paint lipstick on a pig; they are pigs, Well, the judges were not convinced [Applause]. Everyone can see what's going on here. The United States case is offensive; it offends our Democratic principles; it offends our right to know. It is an attack on journalists everywhere, people everywhere. [Applause]

Chris Hedges: Sermon for Gaza

This sublime madness is the essential quality for a life of resistance. It is the acceptance that when you stand with the oppressed you will be treated like the oppressed. It is the acceptance that, although empirically all that we struggled to achieve during our lifetime may be worse, our struggle validates itself.

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