Chris Hedges: The Nation’s Conscience and Caitlin Johnstone: Protest And Dissent Can Absolutely Push The Empire To Retreat On Gaza

The protest movements - which have spread around the globe - are not built around the single issue of the apartheid state in Israel or its genocide against Palestinians. They are built around the awareness that the old world order, the one of settler colonialism, western imperialism and militarism used by the countries in the Global North to dominate the Global South, must end.

UPDATE ON THE FLOTILLA: Food and Medical Supplies for Gaza STOPPED

Coleen Rowley: “I have to say how disappointed we are - and actually horrified - that such powerful, corrupt government forces can connive to prevent food, medicine, and humanitarian aid from reaching disease and famine-stricken Gaza. It’s evil!” Barry Riesch: “Stopping the boat shows that Israel is intimidated by us and that our own country cares more about supporting Israel’s illegal blockade and genocide than helping U.S. citizens deliver aid to Gaza. They can stop the flotilla today, but it will come back even stronger.”

The Legacy of War, by Mary Beaudoin

The years of U.S. war and occupation had taken an enormous toll on Iraq. The “constructive chaos” and “the birth pangs of a new Middle East” that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice so cavalierly proclaimed in 2006 was a nightmare for the people living there. Over a million Iraqis had been killed in the U.S. war and there were large numbers of widows, orphans, and wounded. Although international corporations were supplying oil to the world, the Iraqi people were struggling to survive in the broken country.

Martin Luther King: War is Obsolete, All Life is Connected

This excerpt of Martin Luther King speaking (in 1967) provides a wonderful example of how he was a systems thinker. Here he discusses the interconnected nature of reality, the foolishness of war and the interdependence that binds the human family together... “Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete... If we are More

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