A Life on Our Planet: David Attenborough (video)

David Attenborough's take on a simple solution to ease if not halt the climate crisis. If only those who have control of the political system would listen instead of being involved in petty politics and pushing more and more fossil fuel sources and use. And of course all that money that is going to the military that could be used to stop the wars, save the earth and in the process most likely the human race and all creation.

Climate Change: Why Internationalism?

Excellent presentations by Shemona Moreno of Seattle re building solidarity with global movements; Marc Rosenthal from Wisconsin with a focus on pipeines (Enbridge) and cross-border solidarity, May action will include Minneapolis; Ferron Pedro describes the Stop EACOP campaign (East African Oil Pipeline) a pipeline that will cross central Africa (massive crude oil through the heart of Africa, 54 million tons of carbon per year) proposed by France Total (a corporation) and China National Offshore Corporation; EACOP insurers are located in the U.S. Also outdated coal power plants in So. Africa; Daniel Hunter presents 350 international history.

Sanders Announces Budget Committee Hearing on Corporate Greed and Profiteering

The hearing comes as high prices are squeezing working-class Americans, while corporate profits rise. As inflation rose by 7 percent in 2021, corporate profits increased by 25 percent to reach nearly $3 trillion – a record high. CEOs and shareholders are benefiting heavily from these profits; last year, S&P 500 firms spent more than $900 billion.

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