What Is This “New Russian Space Threat”? by Joel Weisberg

Exaggerating and hyping a “new” Russian threat revives Cold War fears, moves us further away from negotiation and cooperation, and provides the rationale that we’ve seen countless times before to increase military spending. This article examines if, and how seriously we need to take media reports. Image: 1957, Russian satirical magazine Krokofdil More

Glenn Greenwald: Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Ends Her Reign: Exposing a Catastrophic Career

Nuland’s status as both a singular force for war and destruction—and her status as one of the most vivid symbols of how bipartisan and insulated from elections is this warmongering ideology—makes her particularly worthy of examination, especially upon her glorious resignation, the final end to her bloodthirsty reign. Understanding her trajectory is vital to understanding how Washington really functions.

Two Ceasefires Now! Gaza and Ukraine

A CEASEFIRE NOW! is called for in two wars the U.S. government is deeply involved in, shipping weapons and providing financial support. Neither of these wars benefits the American people, whose tax money is supporting death and destruction and taking tax money away from needed help for the hungry, sick, and homeless.

The Belmarsh Tribunal, Free Assange, hosted by Democracy Now!

What is at stake: To all people of conscience an exhortation to act: "We will not be silent." Expert witnesses from the U.S. and Europe speak to what amounts to the "framing" of Julian Assange, how his case progressed as Trump filed the indictments, then to the hearings, and to how all of this will affect free speech if Assange is extradited and found guilty in a U.S. court for publishing the truth about American drones' "collateral damage" in the murder of civilians. Mike Pompeo characterized WikiLeaks (a publisher!) as an "enemy espionage organization" for the release of condemning CIA data. And the global rise of fascism begins with targeting and discrediting journalists. Freedom of the press and the right of people to know what their government is doing as well as the rights of journalists and their publishers of all viewpoints to publish the truth is threatened, but Biden foolishly pushes forward to extradite Assange instead of freeing him, although journalist and human rights organizations as well as heads of state worldwide have spoken up for Assange, press freedom, and the people's right to the truth.

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