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Media for Justice and Peace

New Posts for
November/December, 2023

Rise Up Times: Articles of substance you won’t find in the mainstream corporate media.

What Media? Alternatives to Mainstream Corporate Media and where to find them

The Belmarsh Tribunal, Free Assange, hosted by Democracy Now

Chris Hedges: The Death of Israel

Caitlin Johnstone: The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize War Profiteering In Ukraine 

The Lies of War Can Be Ended by Truth, by Amy Blumenshin

Caitlin Johnstone: A giant empire attacking nations who have the temerity to insist on their own national sovereignty and The demolition of Gaza is not necessary

WAMM Newsletter: Stop the Genocide! Free Palestine

WAMM Photo Essay: Free Palestine Worldwide                       

The Most Censored Stories of \the Year, Rising Up with Andy Lee Rot

‘Not Reduce. Not Abate’: UN Chief Calls for Total Fossil Fuel Phaseout at COP28, by Olivia Rosan

APARTHEID, by Susu Jeffrey
Divest Now! Hold the Minnesota Bureau of Investment Accountable
Pipeline Pledge of Resistance: Line 5 Reports and Winter Art Builds –

DN! UAE Oil CEO Sultan Al Jaber Uses His Role as U.N. Climate Summit President to Push Fossil Fuel Deals

Massie, the Squad JOIN FORCES To DEMAND Biden Drop Charges Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, Opening Session, and more

David Swanson: There Is No Right Side in War

John Pilger: We are Spartacu

The Trump movement is turning America fascist w/Jeff Sharlet | The Chris Hedges ReportMatt Taibbi: Dao Prize Acceptance Speech and Interview with Glenn Greenwald

Minnesota regulators OK rare fund to decommission new Enbridge pipeline

10 Biggest Oil Companies, by Nathan Reiff

Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace, September/October Summary

Chris Hedges: Exterminate All the Brutes

The Censorship Hydra, by Matt Taibbi

We Are Witnessing the Largest U.S. Anti-War Protests in 20 Years

Rights Lawyers Release Analysis of U.S. Complicity in Israel’s Unfolding Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza

Vengeful Pathologies: Adam Shatz on the war in Gaza

Rumble faces consequences for refusing UK’s demand to ban Russell Brand, by Glenn Greenwald 

For the children of Gaza
We sing for those who died in the silence
For those who died weeping
For those who died screaming
For those who died quietly
From hunger and lack of clean water.
We sing for those who dream,
stubbornly, for justice
For those who laugh in the darkness
For those who die singing
For those who work
Endlessly labor
For life, for freedom
For we know that greed and despair
Poverty and torture and war
Are not our true selves
And that love and gentle resolve
Our song and our silence
Are stronger than death
And that,
at the end,
They will not falter
This poem was written by an unknown Chilean poet during the Pinochet years of mass deaths and torture inflicted on the people of Chile and takes on broader meaning in light of the mass murders by bombings in Gaza. Thank you to Paul Baker Hernandez who is visiting the U.S. from Nicaragua for sharing this poem/song.



Global and Local Peace and Justice for All 

Be Engaged in Activism

Cultivate Collaborative Communities

Normalize Resistance         Rest and Rise


“Power is global and politics is local. That must change. We need a new language for understanding new global power formations as well as new international modes of politics to fight them.

Social movements must move outside of national boundaries and join with others across the globe to fight the savagery of neoliberal global politics and central to such a task is the work of intellectuals, artists, cultural workers, and others who can fashion new tools and social movements in the fight against the current anti-democratic threats being imposed all over the globe.”

               — Henry A Giroux

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Your support makes it possible to bring you Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace with independent views by independent writers, investigative journalists, and commentators.  

For over ten years Rise Up Times has been active, bringing you articles of substance about issues of substance.

Independent media is essential in these Rise Up Times. Your support makes Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace possible. Please subscribe and donate today. 

Rise Up Times publishes writers who provide insights and knowledge that are a basis for informed action, whether on the streets or signing petitions, writing letters to the editor, talking to legislators, or otherwise engaging in transformative nonviolent actions to make change.

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A vision of change.
Based on the nineteenth century Flammarian engraving
The ‘apocalyptic’ chess game between the superpowers, that is, between those that move on the highest plane of our civilization, is being played according to the rule ‘if either “wins” it is the end of both’; it is a game that bears no resemblance to whatever war games preceded it. Its ‘rational’ goal is deterrence, not victory, and the arms race, no longer a preparation for war, can now be justified only on the grounds that more and more deterrence is the best guarantee of peaceTo the question how shall we ever be able to extricate ourselves from  the obvious insanity of this position  there is no answer.”                       — Hannah Arendt in On Violence


The U.S. needs to join other countries worldwide in banning nuclear weapons.   

WHY ACT NOW? Support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and sign the Parliamentary (Legislative) Pledge. Click the WAMM link above for more information.
Please help spread awareness and action about nuclear weapons? Information and action steps are available FREE in the form of two-sided cards on cardstock.

  • Call 612-827-5364 to schedule a pick up at the WAMM office, 4200 Cedar Ave. S., Suite 3, Minneapolis. 55407
  • Packages of 50 can be sent to you via USPS for a $10 donation.
See also

“Resistance is no longer an option,
it is 
now a matter of life or death.
The lights are going out on democracy
across the globe and the time to wake up
from this nightmare is now.”

Henry A Giroux

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The contents of Rise Up Times may or may not reflect the views of the editor. Articles are chosen for publication or republication based on the interest of our readers. Rise Up Times republishes stories from a number of other independent news sources as +well as original articles.




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VIDEO: Militarism, Climate Chaos, and the Environment




