Trump Attacked the Women of Color Who Led the Push for Impeachment. Then CNN Erased Them
Taken together, the picture speaks to an even more grim dynamic: While Trump demonizes Congress’s progressive women of color, CNN erases their work.
Taken together, the picture speaks to an even more grim dynamic: While Trump demonizes Congress’s progressive women of color, CNN erases their work.
A video that explains why we say NO TO NATO in just a few minutes. Recommended. Local actions in solidarity encouraged.
Only about 25 percent of Republicans (36 percent of the more savvy millennials) recognize that humans are responsible for global warming. Shocking figures.
Money drives politics. We all know that now. But the other side of this is that it’s not just an economic system, it’s also an ideological system. [Neoliberalism] operates off the assumption that the market can solve all problems — not simply in the economy, but in all of social life — so it becomes a template and a model for all social relations.
He’s there daily, often hourly, whether I like it or not, and I don’t have a Department of Homeland Security to separate him from his children, throw them all in degrading versions of prison -- without even basic toiletries or edible food or clean water...
The concept of defensive war has been used to excuse numerous aggressive wars.
Collective self-delusions, have now been mainstreamed. They are trumpeted by media platforms across the political spectrum and by the political establishment.
Among the frontrunners in the Democratic Party presidential primary, Senators Warren and Sanders not only have the most progressive domestic agenda, but also the most anti-war, pro-diplomacy foreign policy agenda. By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies Direct to Rise Up Times from the authors. August 26, 2019 The sharpest distinction between them is More
It really goes to the great secret of American greatness, which comes not from, ever, from the establishment. It never comes from the best and the brightest. Unless they betray their class; unless they betray their teaching.
U.S. missiles in Europe and worldwide: costs, nuclear weapons race, what the withdrawal from the INF Treaty means
Trump is failing the people he conned.
“The Terror of the Unforeseen” A book by Henry A. Giroux