Liza Burr: The Wild, Wild West Bank — Settler Violence

While the eyes of the world are riveted on Syria, settlers continue to colonize Palestinian land. Violence is perpetrated against Palestinians as a form of ethnic cleansing as the U.S., Israel’s biggest supporter, turns a blind eye. By Liza Burr  WAMM Newsletter  October 2013   — In an article published in the June/July 2013 issue of More

Mazin Qumsiyeh> A Message from Beyond the Wall

A Message from Beyond the Wall Thumbing its nose at the international community in this holiday season, the Israeli government is going ahead with building thousands of housing units in existing and new Jewish colonization settlements in Bethlehem and Jerusalem areas. By Mazin Qumsiyeh  Worldwide WAMM December 2012/January 2013 Editor’s Note: Palestinians in Bethlehem are More

Mazin Qumsiyeh> A Message from Beyond the Wall

A Message from Beyond the Wall Thumbing its nose at the international community in this holiday season, the Israeli government is going ahead with building thousands of housing units in existing and new Jewish colonization settlements in Bethlehem and Jerusalem areas. By Mazin Qumsiyeh  Worldwide WAMM December 2012/January 2013 Editor’s Note: Palestinians in Bethlehem are More

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