What Is This “New Russian Space Threat”? by Joel Weisberg

Exaggerating and hyping a “new” Russian threat revives Cold War fears, moves us further away from negotiation and cooperation, and provides the rationale that we’ve seen countless times before to increase military spending. This article examines if, and how seriously we need to take media reports. Image: 1957, Russian satirical magazine Krokofdil More

“Staggerlee wonders” by James Baldwin

And, anyway, none of this changes the reality,  which is, for example, that I do not want my son  to die in Guantanamo,  or anywhere else, for that matter,  serving the Stars and Stripes.  (I've seen some stars. I got some stripes.)  Neither (incidentally) has anyone discussed the Bomb with the niggers:

Seymour Hersh: Summer of the Hawks

The corruption so often “talked about in Niger is not about petty bribes by government officials, but about an entire structure—developed during French colonial rule—that prevents Niger from establishing sovereignty over its raw materials and over its development,”

Medea Benjamin: Why There’s No PEACE Movement From the Left in America

Can Ukraine Really Win?  Is Diplomacy Possible? https://youtu.be/yOEEMDLgU24 An interview on Bad Faith by Briahna Joy Gray of Medea Benjamin of CodePink  Why are people all over the world calling for an end to this [war]? It's not because they love Russia or they love Putin or they think that Russia's doing the right More

Europe on the Verge of War, by Michael Livingston

Russian President Putin suspended the last nuclear arms control treaty with the U.S., the New START (Strategic Nuclear Arms Reduction) Treaty. In his state of the nation address, Putin likened the demands made on Russia to “a kind of theater of the absurd” because the U.S./NATO demanded to inspect Russia’s nuclear facilities but refused to More

Alfred de Zayas: Provocation is Not an Innocent Act

The mainstream media frequently manages the narrative in an attempt to “legitimize” the use of force, e.g. by the US and NATO countries in Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (since 2001), Iraq (since 2003), or to absolve the provocateur, e.g. to downplay or outright ignore NATO’s continuing provocations of Russia. 

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