Assange Wins! Highlights of the Day

Stella (Assange's wife): Thank you. I want to be very clear today marks a turning point. We went into court and we sat and heard the United States fumbling through their arguments trying to paint lipstick on a pig; they are pigs, Well, the judges were not convinced [Applause]. Everyone can see what's going on here. The United States case is offensive; it offends our Democratic principles; it offends our right to know. It is an attack on journalists everywhere, people everywhere. [Applause]

UPDATE ON THE FLOTILLA: Food and Medical Supplies for Gaza STOPPED

Coleen Rowley: “I have to say how disappointed we are - and actually horrified - that such powerful, corrupt government forces can connive to prevent food, medicine, and humanitarian aid from reaching disease and famine-stricken Gaza. It’s evil!” Barry Riesch: “Stopping the boat shows that Israel is intimidated by us and that our own country cares more about supporting Israel’s illegal blockade and genocide than helping U.S. citizens deliver aid to Gaza. They can stop the flotilla today, but it will come back even stronger.”

Patrick Lawrence: Bad Faith and Blank Checks

All mainstream journalism is “embedded journalism” now, for the battlefield is everywhere, writes Patrick Lawrence in this excerpt from his new book, Journalists and Their Shadows.  Bad Faith and Blank Checks By Patrick Lawrence / Consortium News   ScheerPost  September 6, 2023  byEDITOR An embedded civilian journalist taking photographs of U.S. soldiers in Dana, More

Twitter Files & the Death of Russiagate: Matt Taibbi, Chris Hedges, John Kiriakou

Matt Taibbi joins CN Live! to discuss the implications of his Twitter Files revelations, including his latest on Hamilton 68 and its fatal blow to the Russiagate narrative. With Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou. Watch the replay. Twitter Files & the Death of Russiagate Consortium News  February 1, 2023 Joe Lauria writes: In the latest More

War as Presentation, by Patrick Lawrence

Now we have the Ukraine case, and we need not bother with “ample reason.” It is open-and-shut evident at this point that we witness two wars as the Armed Forces of Ukraine face off with the Russian military. There is the presented war, the meta-war, you might say, and there is the waged war, the war taking place on the ground, nothing meta about it.

Patrick Lawrence: The Strong, and the Merely Powerful

Let me also remind you that the United States, together with the British, turned Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities into ruins without any military necessity during World War II. And this was done defiantly, without any, I repeat, military necessity. There was only one goal: just like in the case of the nuclear bombings in Japan, to intimidate both our country and the whole world. …


"The past two weeks have seen blows against freedom of speech for independent news outlets and, indeed, for all Americans. I’m not being hyperbolic here. There are real threats to our freedom of speech against which we ought to mobilize....""Independent voices must be heard. Freedom of speech and press were among the basic tenets upon which this country was founded. We should all be willing to fight to keep those freedoms." John Kiriakou

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