A Life on Our Planet: David Attenborough (video)

David Attenborough's take on a simple solution to ease if not halt the climate crisis. If only those who have control of the political system would listen instead of being involved in petty politics and pushing more and more fossil fuel sources and use. And of course all that money that is going to the military that could be used to stop the wars, save the earth and in the process most likely the human race and all creation.

A Future Generation Shows Up Ahead of Schedule, by Stan Cox

Yes, the planet’s economy is indeed greening relatively rapidly in terms of the growth of renewable energy sources and their ever more striking affordability. Still, nothing is happening fast enough in a world that seems to be breaking heat records weekly. In truth, I just don’t want life to be an eternal weather horror show for my grandkids and that’s why I find today’s piece by TomDispatch regular Stan Cox encouraging. It’s good to know that the young aren’t going to take what their elders have done to them sitting down (so to speak). Tom Englehardt

Chris Hedges: Requiem for Our Species

Princeton, N.J. — As I write this, the sun is a hazy reddish orange orb. The sky is an inky yellowish gray. The air has an acrid stench and leaves a faint metallic taste in my mouth. After 20 minutes outside, my head starts to ache, my nose burns, my eyes itch and my breathing More

Free Trade or Just Green Trade? by John Feffer

According to a map of excess nitrogen per hectare of cropland, countries like China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and Venezuela are using more nitrogen for fertilizers than the crops can even absorb. “This excess contributes to more emissions and causes other problems, for instance with run-off into waterways,” she continues. “The incentives right now in the agricultural system are for extreme overproduction, especially around commodity crops, like corn, soybeans, and wheat, which require these cheap chemical inputs.”

Seymour Hersh: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

America’s political fears were real: Putin would now have an additional and much-needed major source of income, and Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia—while diminishing European reliance on America. In fact, that’s exactly what happened.

Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace, February Voices, Summary 1

DONATE TODAY Media for Justice and Peace New Posts for February 7, 2023 PLEASE SHARE WIDELY TOP STORIES Is Nuclear War Imminent? Robert Scheeer interviews William J. Astore “We need to act together as citizens to be that vital check on the military industrial congressional complex, which is why I think there are so many More

Noam Chomsky: “We’re on the Road to a Form of Neofascism”

As the class war intensifies, the basic logic of capitalism manifests itself with brutal clarity: We have to maximize profit and power even though we know we are racing to suicide by destroying the environment that sustains life, not sparing ourselves and our families.    Trump supporters near the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, More

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