Glenn Greenwald: Julian Assange’s Plea Deal: EXPLAINED

Unless you are somebody who has been in [Assange’s] position and has shown a willingness to sacrifice even more than Assange has ─ nobody has any standing to object to what Assange chose to do [in pleading guilty to charges of espionage] but that doesn't mean that the decision they forced him into [for freedom] isn't incredibly dangerous to the Press freedoms that the United States repeatedly claims around the world that it protects.

Assange Wins! Highlights of the Day

Stella (Assange's wife): Thank you. I want to be very clear today marks a turning point. We went into court and we sat and heard the United States fumbling through their arguments trying to paint lipstick on a pig; they are pigs, Well, the judges were not convinced [Applause]. Everyone can see what's going on here. The United States case is offensive; it offends our Democratic principles; it offends our right to know. It is an attack on journalists everywhere, people everywhere. [Applause]

THE HONEY TRAP: The FBI Used an Undercover Cop With Pink Hair to Spy on Activists and Manufacture Crimes

"To reveal what happened in Colorado Springs, I obtained search warrant applications, body-camera video from local police assisting the FBI investigation, and recordings of conversations involving federal agents; reviewed hundreds of pages of internal FBI records about Social Media Exploitation, a program federal agents used to monitor racial justice activists nationwide; and interviewed about a dozen activists who were targeted in the federal probe."


"The past two weeks have seen blows against freedom of speech for independent news outlets and, indeed, for all Americans. I’m not being hyperbolic here. There are real threats to our freedom of speech against which we ought to mobilize....""Independent voices must be heard. Freedom of speech and press were among the basic tenets upon which this country was founded. We should all be willing to fight to keep those freedoms." John Kiriakou

Chris Hedges: Alice Walker and the Price of Conscience

“Whenever I come out with a book, or anything that will take me before the public, the world, I am assailed as this person I don’t recognize,” she said when I reached her by phone. “If I tried to keep track of all the attacks over the decades, I wouldn’t be able to keep working. I am happy people are standing up. It is all of us. Not just me. They are trying to shut us down, shut us up, erase us. That reality is what is important.”

Chris Hedges: American Commissars

The convergence of a looming economic crisis, fear by a bankrupt ruling class that they will soon be banished from power, the growing ecological catastrophe and the inability to thwart self-destructive military adventurism against Russia and China, have set the stage for an American implosion.

The Persecution of Julian Assange

"Whether or not Assange is guilty of sexual violence, we do not believe that is why he is being pursued. Once again women’s fury and frustration at the prevalence of rape and other violence is being used by politicians to advance their own purposes."

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