Biden Says He’s “Practically” Declared Climate Emergency — But He Hasn’t

“Practically speaking, Biden has devastated communities and wildlife,” one frustrated climate advocate said. Biden Says He’s “Practically” Declared Climate Emergency — But He Hasn’t By Sharon Zhang  Truthout  August 9, 2023 President Joe Biden waves toward visitors watching the departure as he walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House July More

Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us, by Sue Ann Martinson

Originally published in July, 2022: Unfortunately, not much has changed since this article was originally published in the Women Against Military Madness Newsletter and on ScheerPost, except the climate crisis has worsened with extreme heat waves in southeast Asia and more climate dhange in the U.S. and worldwide while the fossil suel industry and the corporations drag their feet at does the Biden administration, dependent on their money.

Free Trade or Just Green Trade? by John Feffer

According to a map of excess nitrogen per hectare of cropland, countries like China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and Venezuela are using more nitrogen for fertilizers than the crops can even absorb. “This excess contributes to more emissions and causes other problems, for instance with run-off into waterways,” she continues. “The incentives right now in the agricultural system are for extreme overproduction, especially around commodity crops, like corn, soybeans, and wheat, which require these cheap chemical inputs.”

What Are You Drinking? by Susu Jeffrey

If you don’t live in Flint, Michigan or Jackson, Mississippi, you may want to ask where your potable (drinkable) water comes from and how it’s delivered. People in the Twin Cities drink out of the Mississippi River. The City of Minneapolis distributes 57 million gallons of water daily to its three million residents plus businesses More

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