Making a Killing: Weapons of War, by Brian Chval

The return on jobs is paltry at best, while sectors that create far more jobs relative to the money spent, such as education, green energy, health care, and infrastructure – sectors that could actually serve to create a better future – are grossly underfunded.

APARTHEID, by Susu Jeffrey

APARTHEID By Susu Jeffrey / Original to Rise Up Times / December 2, 2023 Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning apartness, literally apart-hood. It is pronounced apart-tate. Apart-tate rhymes with hate.  Apartheid is a word from the European colonial period when the Dutch East India Company established a trading post in 1652 in the Cape of More

David Swanson: There Is No Right Side in War

When the United States faced the need to end Jim Crow, it was not a need to surrender to its enemies, but to integrate them, to become a nation that included more people on equal terms all as fellow people, neighbors, friends, companions. This was unthinkable to those who insisted on a white nation. In Israel it is unthinkable to those who insist on a Jewish nation.

Chris Hedges: Fascism Comes to America

Eighty million eligible voters did not vote in the last presidential election, no doubt because they did not expect much to change in their lives whoever was in office. And they were probably right.

Max Blumenthal: UN Talk, Threats to International Peace and Security, at the UN Security Council

Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9364th meeting. Max Blumenthal: Threats to International Peace and Security, Talk at UN Security Council A gift to Rise Up Times of any amount makes it possible to continue to bring you thoughtful analyses and reflections on current issues as well as events, stories, and opportunities More

Trump Town Hall: Is CNN Normalizing Fascism?

Before fascism can fully seize power in a nation, it must first be accepted by the people as a “patriotic” system of governance, representing the will of the majority of the nation. This is why fascists always scapegoat minorities first — delighting the privileged caste — before they acquire enough power to subjugate the entire nation itself.

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