Venezuela: Amnesty International in Service of Empire
Looking at the list of AI funders: all one has to do to see they are part of the system of psychological warfare that promotes U.S. imperialism.
Looking at the list of AI funders: all one has to do to see they are part of the system of psychological warfare that promotes U.S. imperialism.
Throughout its history, the Espionage Act has been used as a weapon to attack free speech and dissent.
It's a weaving together rather than domination of one over the other. A lesson for all.
SAVE OUR VA! Veterans say NO to Privatization Call or Write Your Congressional Senators and Representatives NOW Photo: Veterans for Peace Proposed new regulations for veterans' healthcare on Capitol Hill could lead to a total dismantling and privatization of the VA healthcare system that our veterans want and need! ____________________ We need you More
We’re still seeing the Espionage Act used to kill free speech on a regular basis today, just over a century since its passage into law.
My mother feels very useful in jail — generous, empathetic and calm in a place that encourages none of those qualities.
"A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: ‘This way of settling differences is not just.’"
The core statements of the action appealed to the many tourists that strolled around DC: disarming for social affairs, protecting the environment and stopping climate change and, naturally, no wars or interventions – “hands-off Venezuela!” and “No to NATO!”
Troops Home Now – Out of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, and Off the Borders!
Neither Democrats nor Republicans will like [the plan].. But it would be humane, it would adhere to the rule of law, and it would work.
Winona LaDuke talks about current projects around Enbridge and Line 3, creating a hemp factory and a sustainable economy, land and saving our water.
The Black Bloc in France, as in the United States, is a gift to the security and surveillance apparatus.