They Are Not Numbers in Gaza and Photo Essay, Twin Cities Protests

As always, we as U.S. citizens, must ask first what is the role of the U.S.? The answer is that, along with political support, the U.S. has been providing the bombs, bullets, and fighter jets to Israel. The abhorrent killing of these youth – and all the other people in Gaza – are why we need to do what we can to force our government to end hostilities and free Palestine.

War Industry Resisters Network: Week of Action! April 17th to 24th

Clearly, there are no winners in the terrible war in Ukraine — except one: U.S. and British military contractors who will carry their increased profits all the way to the bank. Big Campaign contributions. 700 lobbyists. Militaristic think tanks. Government advisory boards. Hiring 1700 former Pentagon officials and stacking the government with their own people. These military contractors have numerous ways to determine Pentagon budgets, shape our foreign policy, create war fever, and pick our friends and enemies.

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