Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism, by Joseph Stiglitz

Neoliberalism was predicated on the belief that unfettered markets are the most efficient means of achieving optimal outcomes. Yet even in the early days of neoliberalism’s ascendancy, economists had already established that unregulated markets are neither efficient nor stable, let alone conducive to generating a socially acceptable distribution of income.


Endless war and militarism cannot continue and leave a livable planet.    MAKING THE CONNECTIONS: MILITARISM, CLIMATE CHAOS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT February 11, 2022 · by Rise Up Times · in Activism, climate change, Environment, Militarism, Planet Effects of neoliberal capitalism, U.S. empire, and militarization: U.S. Military Bases worldwide, Climate Chaos and Colonization—U.S. occupation of/war with indigenous and sovereign lands, Fossil Fuels, More

Noam Chomsky: “We’re on the Road to a Form of Neofascism”

As the class war intensifies, the basic logic of capitalism manifests itself with brutal clarity: We have to maximize profit and power even though we know we are racing to suicide by destroying the environment that sustains life, not sparing ourselves and our families.    Trump supporters near the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, More

Noam Chomsky on Rising Fascism in U.S., Class Warfare and the Climate Emergency

"And it’s not just the pandemic. Much worse than that are the attitudes of skepticism about global warming. So, one rather shocking fact that I learned recently is that during the Trump years, among Republicans, the belief that global warming is a serious problem — not even an urgent problem, just a serious problem — declined about 20%."

Rise Up Times Post Summary

$778 BILLION Military Budget Approved (military madness); Hedges and Brown: Inverted Totalitarianism, Nature of Neoliberalism; Code Pink: Cost of War at Home; Nader: Corporate Crimes in Corporate State; COP26 Fails, and more…

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