Who drives Washington’s wars of aggression and outrageous military spending?

To be fair, the Nuland-Kagan mom-and-pop shop is really only a microcosm of how the Military-Industrial Complex has worked for decades: think-tank analysts generate the reasons for military spending, the government bureaucrats implement the necessary war policies, and the military contractors make lots of money before kicking back some to the think tanks — so the bloody but profitable cycle can spin again.

Robert Parry | Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton wants the American voters to be very afraid of Donald Trump, but there is reason to fear as well what a neoconservative/neoliberal Clinton presidency would mean for the world, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry  Consortium News  May 11, 2016 For centuries hereditary monarchy was the dominant way to select national leaders, More

Tomgram | David Bromwich, The Neoconservative Empire Returns

Bromwich: Those people [neo-cons] have never recognized that they were wrong. Some put the blame on President Bush or his viceroy in Baghdad, the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority, L. Paul Bremer, for mismanaging the occupation that followed the invasion; others continue to nurse the fantastic theory that Saddam Hussein really was in possession of nuclear weapons

Mary Beaudoin/Sami Rasouli | Iraq and I$I$: Today is Better Than Tomorrow

From the article: “In Iraq, we say today will be better than tomorrow.” This is the dire pessimism with which the people of Iraq now view their circumstances, Sami Rasouli said in June when he was in Minneapolis, the city in which he had lived for so many years before returning to found the Muslim Peacemaker Teams,(5) a nonprofit organization based in Najaf that works on peace building and responding to human needs. He reported that the situation for Iraqis only continues to decline in livability and increase in danger and disaster

Counterpunch: Planned Chaos in the Middle East—and Beyond

An Unholy Alliance Between the Military-Security-Industrial Complex and the Israel Lobby By ISMAEL HOSSEIN-ZADEH   Counterpunch.org   Weekend Edition July 18-20, 2014 Geopolitical observers of the Middle East turbulence tend to blame the raging chaos in the area on the presumed failure of the “incoherent,” “illogical” or “contradictory” policies of the United States. Irrefutable evidence More

Robert Parry: Why Take the Neocons Seriously?

Exclusive: The Sunni extremist offensive into central Iraq appears to have stalled, but the political battle rages in Washington where neocons see an opening to pressure President Obama into recommitting the U.S. military in support of neocon goals in the Middle East, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry  ConsortiumNews.com  June 15, 2014 As President Barack Obama ponders More

Global Research> The Globalization of War The “Military Roadmap” to World War III

The Globalization of War The “Military Roadmap” to World War III  Michel Chossudovsky and Finian Cunningham (Editors) December 2011 It is our hope that the Interactive Reader Series will become a useful tool for high school, college and university students.   INTRODUCTION [scroll down for Reader’s Table of Contents] The Pentagon’s global military design is one of More

Glenn Greenwald> The We-Are-At-War! mentality

Glenn Greenwald> The We-Are-At-War! mentality BY GLENN GREENWALD    SATURDAY, DEC 3, 2011    Salon.com Two significant events happened on Thursday: (1) the Democratic-led Senate rejuvenated and expanded the War on Terror by, among other things, passing a law authorizing military detention on U.S. soil and expanding the formal scope of the War; and (2) Obama lawyers, for the first More

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