Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism, by Joseph Stiglitz

Neoliberalism was predicated on the belief that unfettered markets are the most efficient means of achieving optimal outcomes. Yet even in the early days of neoliberalism’s ascendancy, economists had already established that unregulated markets are neither efficient nor stable, let alone conducive to generating a socially acceptable distribution of income.

The Belmarsh Tribunal, Free Assange, hosted by Democracy Now!

What is at stake: To all people of conscience an exhortation to act: "We will not be silent." Expert witnesses from the U.S. and Europe speak to what amounts to the "framing" of Julian Assange, how his case progressed as Trump filed the indictments, then to the hearings, and to how all of this will affect free speech if Assange is extradited and found guilty in a U.S. court for publishing the truth about American drones' "collateral damage" in the murder of civilians. Mike Pompeo characterized WikiLeaks (a publisher!) as an "enemy espionage organization" for the release of condemning CIA data. And the global rise of fascism begins with targeting and discrediting journalists. Freedom of the press and the right of people to know what their government is doing as well as the rights of journalists and their publishers of all viewpoints to publish the truth is threatened, but Biden foolishly pushes forward to extradite Assange instead of freeing him, although journalist and human rights organizations as well as heads of state worldwide have spoken up for Assange, press freedom, and the people's right to the truth.

Seymour Hersh: Summer of the Hawks

The corruption so often “talked about in Niger is not about petty bribes by government officials, but about an entire structure—developed during French colonial rule—that prevents Niger from establishing sovereignty over its raw materials and over its development,”

Chris Hedges: American Requiem

"If there is one group that deserves our deepest contempt it is the liberal elites, those who posture as the moral arbiters of society while abandoning every value they purportedly hold the moment they become inconvenient."

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