DN! Afghanistan: Interviews with Jeremy Corbyn, Sarah Chayes, and Obaidullah Baheer

Chayes: " ... the behavior of those Afghan leaders that we, the United States, kind of put forward toward their own citizens, and the role of U.S. officials and U.S. development organizations in reinforcing and protecting and enabling, I mean, just an unbelievably corrupt and abusive governmental system, so that, you know, my Afghan friends, who were not in university — they were ordinary villagers in and around Kandahar — they just didn’t know what to make of it. It was like, 'Look, the Taliban shake us down at night, but the government shakes us down in the daytime'”

Chris Hedges: Hope Lies in the Streets

"The violent suppression of protesters in France, Chile, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, India and Hong Kong is already underway, a window into what may be coming to England, the United States and other countries that attempt to throw off the yoke of corporate oppression."

U.K.’s Corbyn Told Truth about Terrorism

Politicians obviously have self-interested reasons for denying that they have misinterpreted, miscalculated, and then persisted in bad policies that have resulted in death and destruction for their own countrymen as well as others.

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