Norman Solomon: Convicting Sterling to Chill Whistleblowing

Few reporters covered the bulk of the trial’s several dozen hours of testimony. (In the courtroom each day, I usually saw no more than three or four other journalists present.) The dire shortage of thorough coverage meant that news media did very little to illuminate the profuse contradictions and disturbing implications that riddled the testimony from more than 20 employees of the CIA.

Stephen Aftergood> Appeals Court Rejects Reporter’s Privilege in Leak Case

Dissenting opinion: Our country’s Founders established the First Amendment’s guarantee of a free press as a recognition that a government unaccountable to public discourse renders that essential element of democracy — the vote — meaningless.  By Stephen Aftergood  July 19, 2013  Secrecy News Categories: Leaks, Secrecy In a new ruling with ominous implications for national security reporting, an appeals More

Stephen Aftergood> Appeals Court Rejects Reporter’s Privilege in Leak Case

Dissenting opinion: Our country’s Founders established the First Amendment’s guarantee of a free press as a recognition that a government unaccountable to public discourse renders that essential element of democracy — the vote — meaningless.  By Stephen Aftergood  July 19, 2013  Secrecy News Categories: Leaks, Secrecy In a new ruling with ominous implications for national security reporting, an appeals More

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