Leave No One Behind: Repatriating Deported Veterans

VFP Chapter 182 Resource and Information Center Office in Tijuana, BC, Mex., providing access to pro-bono legal counsel, case management, and other support services to help veterans rebuild their lives in deportation and obtain their VA Benefits they qualify for in exile.

Chris Hedges Report: How to defeat the billionaire class, with Kshama Sawant

Since being elected to office in 2013, Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and her socialist party have been locked in a bitter battle against the city’s moneyed elites, who have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into a corporate PAC called “A Better Seattle” and saturated television and digital platforms with negative advertising. Sawant is hated because she is effective.

American Militarism, A Persistent Malady: Putin Changed the Subject, by Andrew Bacevich

"Between theory and practice — between the aspirations expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, on the one hand, and the pervasive presence of what King labeled the “giant triplets” of racism, materialism, and militarism on the other — there still looms, even in our own day, a massive gap. [King's Riverside Vietnam] speech address eloquently reflected on that gap, which, with the passage of time, has not appreciably narrowed."

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