Chelsea Manning Appeals “Unprecedented” Conviction

In the 209-page legal brief made public on Thursday, lawyers for Manning questioned the testimony of military officials at her trial, arguing that their claims of harm were “speculative” and “provided no indication” of actual harm, which they said had a “highly prejudicial” effect on the trial.

Jeremy Scahill Outlines How Obama Made Assassination Formal US Policy

I’m a white guy, and I am a journalist. I would often see Arabs and other Muslims in the detention center at JFK airport, Area B of JFK airport. I would often come in and see a room packed with people, none of whom were white. I would be called up to the desk before them, and I would be released after them.

Dave Lindorff: The US Media and Propaganda

Lindorff: 10: If the US provides funds to organizations inside another country, which then organize protests, marches and bloody assaults, and ultimately drive the elected government out of office, as the US did in Ukraine, is that subversion? Objective answer: Yes US media answer: No

John Pilger: The revolutionary act of telling the truth

Pilger: The truth about a war on terror that was always a war of terror; the truth about Guantanamo, the truth about Iraq, Afghanistan, Latin America. Never has such truth-telling been so urgently needed. With honourable exceptions, those in the media paid ostensibly to keep the record straight are now absorbed into a system of propaganda that is no longer journalism, but anti-journalism

Stand Up for Truth: The European Tour of a Band of American Whistleblowers:

Jesselyn Radack: “This war on whistleblowers has an incredibly chilling effect and I believe, in the grand scheme of things, it is really a backdoor war on journalists and I believe even further it’s a way of creating an official Secrets Actwhich our country has been able to live without for more than 200 years, so this is very pernicious. People talk about amending the Espionage Act. I don’t think it needs to be amended. I think it needs to be ended."

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