A Life on Our Planet: David Attenborough (video)

David Attenborough's take on a simple solution to ease if not halt the climate crisis. If only those who have control of the political system would listen instead of being involved in petty politics and pushing more and more fossil fuel sources and use. And of course all that money that is going to the military that could be used to stop the wars, save the earth and in the process most likely the human race and all creation.

War Industry Resisters Network: Week of Action! April 17th to 24th

Clearly, there are no winners in the terrible war in Ukraine — except one: U.S. and British military contractors who will carry their increased profits all the way to the bank. Big Campaign contributions. 700 lobbyists. Militaristic think tanks. Government advisory boards. Hiring 1700 former Pentagon officials and stacking the government with their own people. These military contractors have numerous ways to determine Pentagon budgets, shape our foreign policy, create war fever, and pick our friends and enemies.

World Moves Forward on Climate, Powerful Institutions Lag Behind

"To all of the institutions currently failing us, trust me when I tell you that the time to divest is now. In another few years or perhaps, just another 365 days by the next Earth Day, the opportunity to divest while it still counts—for your morals and your money—may have already disappeared."

â–¶ Massive Oil Spills, Exploding Bomb Trains, Hazardous Chemicals, Poisoned Water – What’s the Plan?

https://youtu.be/gm3K31iQqD4 By Dr. Riki Ott, Chicago Independent Television | Video  March 27, 2015 It’s been 21 years since the EPA considered the rules that govern Oil Spill Response. In that time, our technologies have advanced significantly, while the rules surrounding them remained unchanged. Dangerous dispersants, unconventional oil and gas, and risky transportation methods have More

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