Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism, by Joseph Stiglitz

Neoliberalism was predicated on the belief that unfettered markets are the most efficient means of achieving optimal outcomes. Yet even in the early days of neoliberalism’s ascendancy, economists had already established that unregulated markets are neither efficient nor stable, let alone conducive to generating a socially acceptable distribution of income.

Climate Change: Why Internationalism?

Excellent presentations by Shemona Moreno of Seattle re building solidarity with global movements; Marc Rosenthal from Wisconsin with a focus on pipeines (Enbridge) and cross-border solidarity, May action will include Minneapolis; Ferron Pedro describes the Stop EACOP campaign (East African Oil Pipeline) a pipeline that will cross central Africa (massive crude oil through the heart of Africa, 54 million tons of carbon per year) proposed by France Total (a corporation) and China National Offshore Corporation; EACOP insurers are located in the U.S. Also outdated coal power plants in So. Africa; Daniel Hunter presents 350 international history.

David Swanson: There Is No Right Side in War

When the United States faced the need to end Jim Crow, it was not a need to surrender to its enemies, but to integrate them, to become a nation that included more people on equal terms all as fellow people, neighbors, friends, companions. This was unthinkable to those who insisted on a white nation. In Israel it is unthinkable to those who insist on a Jewish nation.

Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace, September/October Summary

Share Tweet Forward DONATE TODAY Media for Justice and Peace New Posts for September/October, 2023 PLEASE SHARE WIDELY Rise Up Times: Articles of substance you won’t find in the mainstream corporate media Art by Cartoonist Mr. Fish Chris Hedges Report: Israel’s Long War on Gaza with Norman Finkelstein Mass Protests Have Failed To Bring More

Climate Crisis − Veterans Respond!

In a time of both wars/militarism and the climate crisis, VFP CCMP members and our allies are educating the public and taking action, on the street and online. Veterans For Peace has a unique and often much-appreciated perspective on these existential threats - we have presented over 120 slideshows and taken direct action in DC and NYC.

Colorado-based Water Protector Faces Trial, Shares Wisdom: A Line 3 Tale

Enbridge’s pipelines have leaked many times. The Line 3 oil spill in 1991 at Grand Rapids, Minnesota, remains the largest inland oil spill in US history. What’s more, the deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions associated with Line 3 — and the other numerous projects like it — are centrally implicated in intensifying climate change. Then there’s the impact of industrial encroachment on Indigenous communities — particularly women, who experience violence at twice the rate of other American women, in most cases at the hands of non-Indigenous men.

Chris Hedges: Requiem for Our Species

Princeton, N.J. — As I write this, the sun is a hazy reddish orange orb. The sky is an inky yellowish gray. The air has an acrid stench and leaves a faint metallic taste in my mouth. After 20 minutes outside, my head starts to ache, my nose burns, my eyes itch and my breathing More


Endless war and militarism cannot continue and leave a livable planet.    MAKING THE CONNECTIONS: MILITARISM, CLIMATE CHAOS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT February 11, 2022 · by Rise Up Times · in Activism, climate change, Environment, Militarism, Planet Effects of neoliberal capitalism, U.S. empire, and militarization: U.S. Military Bases worldwide, Climate Chaos and Colonization—U.S. occupation of/war with indigenous and sovereign lands, Fossil Fuels, More

Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us, by Sue Ann Martinson

Originally published in July, 2022: Unfortunately, not much has changed since this article was originally published in the Women Against Military Madness Newsletter and on ScheerPost, except the climate crisis has worsened with extreme heat waves in southeast Asia and more climate dhange in the U.S. and worldwide while the fossil suel industry and the corporations drag their feet at does the Biden administration, dependent on their money.

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