Power Loves the Dark | Police Nationwide Are Secretly Exploiting Intrusive Technologies With the Feds’ Complicity

 In Chicago, for instance, the police notoriously opposed the release of dashcam video in the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, citing the supposed imperative of an “ongoing investigation.” After more than a year of such resistance, a judge finally ordered the video made public. Only then did the scandal of seeing Officer Jason Van Dyke unnecessarily pump 16 bullets into the 17-year-old’s body explode into national consciousness.

Thor Benson: Why Wikimedia Just Might Win Its Lawsuit Over NSA Surveillance

From the article: “We believe that the NSA’s upstream surveillance has a chilling effect not only on Wikimedia’s writers and editors but on all of our plaintiffs,” Gorski said. “As a general matter, the private communications of innocent Americans don’t belong in the government’s hands, and if people know the NSA is watching, they’re going to hesitate before visiting controversial websites, before discussing controversial issues or investigating online politically sensitive questions.”

Obama: America “Exceptional” So We Don’t Prosecute Torturers

Legal experts and human rights advocates says prosecutions must follow Senate's report on CIA torture as president says grave violations of domestic and international law should be kept "where they belong—in the past" By Jon Queally, staff writer  Common Dreams  December 10, 2014 Despite executive summary of Senate panel's report on Tuesday, President Obama is still unwilling to More

U.N. torture watchdog urges U.S. crackdown on police brutality

The panel's first review of the U.S. record on preventing torture since 2006 followed racially-tinged unrest in cities across the country this week sparked by a Ferguson, Missouri grand jury's decision not to charge a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager. BY STEPHANIE NEBEHAY  Reuters GENEVA  Nov 28, 2014    Activists More

▶ Invasion of the Data Snatchers

New technologies are making it easier for private companies and the government to learn about everything we do - in our homes, in our cars, in stores, and within our communities. As they collect vast amounts of data about us, things are getting truly spooky! [youtube=http://youtu.be/OnuH-yO0BJE] Data snatchers?? They are NOT science fiction. And they’re More

ACLU: Free Speech for Some Means Free Speech for None

Our defense of speech regardless of speaker comes down to a simple truth: once you give the government the ability to silence unpopular speech, no one is safe. First Amendment  By Gabe Rottman, Legislative Counsel, ACLU Washington Legislative Office October 22, 2014 In honor of Free Speech Week, let's take a moment to acknowledge the obvious. More

Thor Benson: Putting the Police Under Surveillance

"Thankfully, many black Americans are rising up against a society that allows them to be killed for selling cigarettes or walking in the street, but it remains to be seen whether those not in danger will join the struggle." By Thor Benson  truthdig.com  August 21, 2014 Shutterstock In some places in America, a black man More

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