Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate: Telling the Naked Truth

NY Times and WashPo Editors CONFRONTED for lies about war and more... https://youtu.be/-Upux1XBCbg   Rise Up Times Editor's Comment: I don't always care for Jimmy's raunchiness but his analysis is direct and on the mark. Here he is with Aaron Mate and other voices. Editor's Comment: Since this has been published, there have been More

Ukraine and the Triumph of Militarism, by Caitlin Johnstone

What makes Tierney’s triumphant militarist smut so annoying isn’t how he’s wrong, it’s how he’s right. You can take issue all you like with his use of the word “left” to describe liberal supporters of capitalism and empire who just want the empire to be a bit less embarrassing and maybe forgive their student loans, but that’s the fault of the generations of psyops that have gone into sabotaging the left and destroying its memory, not Tierney’s.

The battle for Ukraine, with ex-UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter

What Russia has maintained and what was pretty apparent was that this [Donbass] was a de facto NATO base inside Ukraine, which is technically not a member of NATO, so you're talking about de facto NATOization being the main factor in this war,,,I mean for Russia. This war was predicated by NATO's appetite for eastern expansion of the expansion eastward to include Ukraine..

Climate change, the Amazon rainforest, Minnesota and global warming

"This wondrous planet, so full of mystery, is a paradise. All I want to do is give everything I have, my energy, my love, my labor — in gratitude for what we are given. " —Christi Belcourt, Native American Artist, about her featured art at the recent Minneapolis Institute of Arts exhibit of Native American Women’s art, Hearts of Our People.

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