Anthem, by Leonard Cohen

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in

Sara Thomsen: Freedom Song

Oh, blowing wind Where do we begin? Have you any answers now? Can you tell us how? Freedom Song Sara Thomsen Lyrics Oh, blade of grass Can I ask you Where is the road to peace? Tell me, please. Oh, singing bird What are the words To the freedom songs you sing? Oh, More

Is It for Freedom? by Sara Thomsen

Children of the world, you have the right To sing and dance, run and play, let your dreams take flight. As the innocent die, you rulers carry the shame, And if we stand idly by, we share in the blame.

Bob Dylan: Murder Most Foul Steven Hager  You Tube Murder Most Foul Lyrics Written by Bob Dylan ‘Twas a dark day in Dallas — November ‘63 The day that will live on in infamy President Kennedy was riding high A good day to be living and a good day to die Being led to the slaughter like a More

Barb Tilsen Singer, Songwriter, Poet, Mother, Grandmother, Organizer

I’m a singer, songwriter, poet, mother, grandmother, auntie, activist and organizer. I have been involved in many organizations. Through them, networks developed and the relationships underlying them endured and grew. It’s those connections that support our ability to sustain activism over time and make change. — Barb Tilsen By Anne Winkler Morey  Minneapolis Interview Project  More

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