The ‘Weaponization’ of Social Media — And Its Real-World Consequences
Singer and Brooking tackle the mind-bending questions that arise when war goes online and the online world goes to war.
Singer and Brooking tackle the mind-bending questions that arise when war goes online and the online world goes to war.
The late Italian philosopher's concept of hegemony was startlingly prescient.
In a democracy, the most important but least understood tool is propaganda. Let me share with you the fundamentals of a successful propaganda campaign.
Distraction has become a commercial and political strategy, and it amounts to a form of emotional violence that cripples people...
Whigham urges people to download their file so they can see the extent to which their privacy is being violated by what he calls “surveillance capitalism.”
What likely concerns Ms. Burke, is that social media is further from government control than is the traditional media.
What likely concerns Ms. Burke, is that social media is further from government control than is the traditional media.
“If millennials vote en masse, they have a chance to determine the election’s outcome,”
Giroux: The critique of the flight from privacy fails to address how the growth of the surveillance state and its appropriation of all spheres of private life are connected to the rise of the punishing state, the militarization of American society, secret prisons, state-sanctioned torture, a growing culture of violence, the criminalization of social problems, the depoliticization of public memory, and one of the largest prison systems in the world, all of which “are only the most concrete, condensed manifestations of a diffuse security regime in which we are all interned and enlisted.”
We can learn a lot about the future of culture wars from a “movement” of video game players angry about efforts to make gaming more welcoming for women. By Christopher Zumski Finke October 22, 2014 Photo by Shutterstock The terrorist organization Islamic State recently released a glossy recruiting video targeted at young men, a More
Surely, fighting "the inhuman" does not justify the indiscriminate killing of Syrian civilians by drones and high-tech fighter jets, among other dastardly crimes? The human and inhuman too often bleed into each other, destroying this wretched, unreflective rhetoric. This is a dangerous binary because it closes down questions of history, politics, power, justice and the More