Reports Back from Cuba: Cuban Values and Cuba, Close But No Cigar

"The literacy campaign taught us how to share, how to give without expecting anything in return, because in the literacy campaign, nobody went to be paid; nobody was given anything. We went to share what we knew, to give our good intentions, to work for the satisfaction of people learning to read and write."

Chris Hedges: America’s Theater of the Absurd

Governance exists. But it is not seen. It is certainly not democratic. It is done by the armies of lobbyists and corporate executives, from the fossil fuel industry, the arms industry, the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street. Governance happens in secret.

Ukraine: Viewpoints on the war

Scott Ritter, Andrew Bacevich, Caitlin Johnstore, John LaForge, Medea Benjanmin, Patrick Lawrence and Marcy Winograd talk about the war between Russia and Ukraine. Was it avoidable? Is it a proxy war? Will there be a winner? Is the nuclear threat real? and more.

War as Presentation, by Patrick Lawrence

Now we have the Ukraine case, and we need not bother with “ample reason.” It is open-and-shut evident at this point that we witness two wars as the Armed Forces of Ukraine face off with the Russian military. There is the presented war, the meta-war, you might say, and there is the waged war, the war taking place on the ground, nothing meta about it.

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