Has America Gone Insane?

“You can’t talk about hope until you can see reality and reality is pretty bleak, but that’s the starting point.”

Welcome to the Jungle, by Pepe Escobar

The record reveals Bolsonaro as a racist, misogynist, homophobic, weaponizing thug, favoring a white, patriarchal, hierarchical, hetero-normative and “homogenous” Brazil. ...A record 31 million votes were ruled absent or null and void. No less than 46 million Brazilians voted for the Workers’ Party’s candidate, Fernando Haddad.

EVERYWHERE (in the U.S.A.)

"The fact that voter suppression is treated like a partisan controversy the media mostly shrugs about instead of an act considered on par with treason and something we as a country should actively putting people in jail for doing is pretty insane."

War Is Not Healthy for Children, by Michael Livingston

Our hearts scream out: why?! Why are these children separated from their parents? Why is our government abusing them in this way: tearing them away from their loved ones, incarcerating them in some awful environments, in many cases not letting them know if and when they can be in contact with their parents again?

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