Sarah Flounders of the International Action Center compares the handling of COVID-19 by the US and China, discusses US Sanctions worldwide and their effect, and answers questions from online participants. With Sarah Martin, Meredith Aby, Kim DeFranco, and Emma Fiala.
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Understanding US-China Conflict
Sara Flounders joins us via Skype on Saturday, March 21st, 2020. She is a long time antiwar activist, writer and speaker.
She has been organizing since the 1960’s and is a co-director of the International Action Center. She has led countless delegations to countries in the cross-hairs of US wars and interventions including Yugoslavia, Iraq, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea and Libya. Last Oct. she visited China and will discuss China’s place in the world and current events including the Uighur’s in Xinjiang Province, the Hong Kong riots, and the handling of the Coronovirus.
Sponsored by the Newsletter Committee and the Membership Committee of Women Against Military Madness. FFI: 612-827-5364.