The Trident is the deadliest weapon on the planet.
Disarm and Live!

Also featuring Jeremy Scahill, Medea Benjamin and Cornel West

Panelists:  • Dr. Cornel West • Jeremy Scahill • Medea Benjamin  • The Kings Bay Plowshares 7:  ◦ Martha Hennessy, Dorothy Day’s granddaughter, Catholic Worker  ◦ Steve Kelly, S.J., Catholic priest ◦ Carmen Trotta, Catholic Worker ◦ Clare Grady, Catholic Worker, Ithaca, NY ◦ Elizabeth McAlister, Catholic Worker ◦ Mark Colville, Catholic Worker ◦ Patrick O’Neill, Catholic Worker

Discussion on the necessity of civil resistance disarmament actions such as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, the continued build-up of militarism, and the destitute condition of our world before and during the pandemic. We look forward to you joining us.  The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 are facing sentencing on May 28 and 29 for their nonviolent symbolic disarmament action at the largest nuclear sub-base in the world, on April 4th, 2018. Kings Bay Naval Station houses one-quarter of the US deployed nuclear weapons.  Its time to wash our hands of Trident, demanding that money should be directed towards health care for all, particularly during the COVID-19, for all future pandemics, for all human needs, and to cut funding for the military. The next generation of Trident submarines will cost $1.2 Trillion over the next ten years.

The Nobel Prize-winning International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has pointed out that the U.S. spent $35.1 billion on nuclear weapons in 2019. This could have provided: 300,000 intensive-care beds, 35,000 ventilators, and the salaries for 150,000 nurses and 75,000 doctors.

If only a small portion of conventional weapons spending were redirected many more supplies could be available to provide for the rest of the world rather than the endless wars our government pursues now. Our world would discover its real security lies in shared humanity, not in nationalist arrogance or domination.

Truth is not fake news.  Justice is not fake news. We don’t have to tell you what dangerous times we face.

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By Published On: May 10th, 2020Comments Off on Disarm and Divest During COVID-19, featuring the Kings Bay Plowshares 7

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