Flowers and Zeese | The Propaganda Of War

 There are multiple efforts at present to strengthen and revive the peace movement in the United States, and this is a critical necessity. As we wrote several weeks ago, a crisis either manufactured or not can be used to impose greater restrictions on our civil liberties and push through unpopular policies. It is up to More

Flowers and Zeese | The Propaganda Of War

 There are multiple efforts at present to strengthen and revive the peace movement in the United States, and this is a critical necessity. As we wrote several weeks ago, a crisis either manufactured or not can be used to impose greater restrictions on our civil liberties and push through unpopular policies. It is up to More

7180. The truth about murder drones (Video)

To this point, U.S. drones have taken over 7,180 lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somali; no tally has been kept of drone assassinations in the other countries engulfed in war – Iraq, Syria and Libya. These killings, as you know, violate international law requiring due process and a variety of principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed by the U.S. after World War II.

Tomgram | Patrick Cockburn, An Endless Cycle of Indecisive Wars

…no less crucial for being obvious: in most of these countries, where Islam is the dominant religion, ... al-Qaeda, and the Taliban are essentially the only available vehicles for protest and rebellion. By now, they have completely replaced the socialist and nationalist movements that predominated in the twentieth century; these years have, that is, seen a remarkable reversion to religious, ethnic, and tribal identity, to movements that seek to establish their own exclusive territory by the persecution and expulsion of minorities.

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