[Video] William Blum: The U.S. and World Domination

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/70790728 w=500&h=281] William Blum, Peacestock 2013 from Bill Sorem Mr. Blum is perhaps the foremost documentarian of U.S. foreign policy ‘mishaps’ in the world. Leaving the State Department in 1967 over his opposition to the Vietnam war, Blum commenced researching and writing a series of ongoing critiques of America’s interventions throughout the world since More

Brigid’s Rap

Brigid’s Rap What is our motivation without hesitation to bomb a sovereign nation? It’s not for their liberation but for world domination! It only brings frustration and consternation to all civilization There’s a new manifestation that our drones cause anniliation to innocent populations We need more contemplation to bring humanization to our O’Bama nation In More

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Cathedral of the Enemy> The Enemy-Industrial Complex

"And don’t forget a media that was ready to pound the drums of war and emphasize what dangerous enemies lurked in our world with remarkably few second thoughts."  Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 5:01pm, April 14, 2013. [Note for TomDispatch Readers: Today’s post is part one of a two-parter.  Part two will focus on the must-read new book More

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Cathedral of the Enemy> The Enemy-Industrial Complex

"And don’t forget a media that was ready to pound the drums of war and emphasize what dangerous enemies lurked in our world with remarkably few second thoughts."  Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 5:01pm, April 14, 2013. [Note for TomDispatch Readers: Today’s post is part one of a two-parter.  Part two will focus on the must-read new book More

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