Constructing Visions of “Perpetual Peace”: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

Since the early 1980s, polls in the US have shown that most people believe that the government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves... I do not know of earlier polls, or polls in other countries, but it would not be surprising if the results are similar. The important question is: are people motivated to do something about it?

Noam Chomsky: American Power Under Challenge and The Costs of Violence| Masters of Mankind (Parts 1, 2)

Yet “concern” over what the U.S. has done in our distant war zones -- from the killing of civilians at weddings, funerals, and memorial services to the evisceration of a hospital, to kidnappings, torture, and even the killing of prisoners, to drone strikes so “surgical” and “precise” that hundreds below died even though only a relatively few individuals were officially targeted -- seems largely missing in action. --Tom Engelhardt's Introduction

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