Noam Chomsky: A Genuine Movement For Social Change

Chomsky: It has always been taken for granted by radical thinkers, and quite rightly so, that effective political action that threatens entrenched social interests will lead to “confrontation” and repression. It is, correspondingly, a sign of intellectual bankruptcy for the left to seek to construct “confrontations”; it is a clear indication that the efforts to organize significant social action have failed.

Steve Russell: ALEC Threatening Indian Country

Beware of the Smart ALEC:  The Lobbyists Threatening Indian Country Steve Russell  ResistPrivatationofAmerica  16 February 2014 The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is God’s gift to corporate America, tying it directly to elected legislators and providing the vehicle for the interests of corporate persons to trump the interests of human persons What ALEC “exchanges” are model More

Video> NAACP> Dangerous World> You are not allowed to vote

[youtube] Published on Sep 6, 2012 by naacpvideos  to WAMMToday via Brave New Foundation 1 in 2.3 million. Those are the infinitesimal chances voter fraud will occur in a federal election. That's less likely than being struck by lightning or attacked by a swarm of bees. Right now, 33 states have proposed laws making it harder to More

Video> NAACP> Dangerous World> You are not allowed to vote

[youtube] Published on Sep 6, 2012 by naacpvideos  to WAMMToday via Brave New Foundation 1 in 2.3 million. Those are the infinitesimal chances voter fraud will occur in a federal election. That's less likely than being struck by lightning or attacked by a swarm of bees. Right now, 33 states have proposed laws making it harder to More

Nygaard Notes> Voter Suppression and War Propaganda

Nygaard Notes Independent Periodic News and Analysis Number 504, March 23, 2012 On the Web at This Week: Voter Suppression and War Propaganda  “Quote” of the Week    The U.S. and Afghanistan: “Trust Has Eroded”  Anonymous + Classified = Propaganda      This Ad Brought to You by The Pentagon  Voter Suppression Resources: Education and Action Greetings, This More

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