Ukraine and the Triumph of Militarism, by Caitlin Johnstone

What makes Tierney’s triumphant militarist smut so annoying isn’t how he’s wrong, it’s how he’s right. You can take issue all you like with his use of the word “left” to describe liberal supporters of capitalism and empire who just want the empire to be a bit less embarrassing and maybe forgive their student loans, but that’s the fault of the generations of psyops that have gone into sabotaging the left and destroying its memory, not Tierney’s.

▶ Veterans for Peace: Why We Are Here

Video of Veterans for Peace action in NYC at Vietnam Memorial. Moving testimony by veterans about why they continue to work for peace.   [youtube=]   Subscribe or “Follow” us on Rise Up Times is also on Facebook! Check the Rise Up Times page for posts from this blog and more! “Like” our page today. Find us on More

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