As’ad AbuKhalil> Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media

Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media By As'ad AbuKhalil - Mon, 2012-07-30 19:11- Angry Corner  Al Akhbar English The performance of the Western media (American, British, French and others) regarding the Syrian conflict has been quite shameful. One does not expect much from American media. Ill-informed foreign editors and correspondents and political cowardice turn American media More

As’ad AbuKhalil> Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media

Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media By As'ad AbuKhalil - Mon, 2012-07-30 19:11- Angry Corner  Al Akhbar English The performance of the Western media (American, British, French and others) regarding the Syrian conflict has been quite shameful. One does not expect much from American media. Ill-informed foreign editors and correspondents and political cowardice turn American media More

As’ad AbuKhalil> Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media

Syria: Shameful Performance of Western Media By As'ad AbuKhalil - Mon, 2012-07-30 19:11- Angry Corner  Al Akhbar English The performance of the Western media (American, British, French and others) regarding the Syrian conflict has been quite shameful. One does not expect much from American media. Ill-informed foreign editors and correspondents and political cowardice turn American media More

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