Glenn Greenwald> The real criminals in the Tarek Mehanna case

Comments from Coleen Rowley: Please share widely! This has to be one of the most egregious post 9-11 cases yet. He was sentenced 17.5 years for translating internet materials. Many legal analysts are claiming this to be one of the most damaging cases to the First Amendment. Mehanna’s sentencing statement is so true, it should More

Noor Elashi> The Holy Land Five Appeal> My Father Will Not be Forgotten

The Holy Land Five Appeal> My Father Will Not be Forgotten NOOR ELASHI  December 12, 2011   Counterpunch Exactly three days following the tenth anniversary of the Bush administration shutting down the largest Muslim charity in the United States, the Fifth Circuit Court dismissed the appeal for the Holy Land Foundation case, affirming the conviction of More

How the FBI’s Network of Informants Actually Created Most of the Terrorist Plots “Foiled” in the US Since 9/11

 How the FBI’s Network of Informants Actually Created Most of the Terrorist Plots “Foiled” in the US Since 9/11 The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them? October 9, 2011  |  Mother Jones / By Trevor Aaronson  via AlterNet  UPDATE: On September 28, Rezwan Ferdaus, a 26-year-old More

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