Michael Brenner | When Free Speech Signifies Nothing

One telling piece of evidence is the indifference to the outcome of those debates on the part of the powers that be in our multiple Establishments: financial, corporate, military, Intelligence, entertainment. They couldn’t care less whether transgenders (still undefined) get designated bathrooms at Ivy League universities. They’re more interested in controlling what’s going on in business schools, engineering colleges, law schools, economic departments, and alumni offices.

Rob Kall> Is The USA The Only Nation in the World With Corporate Personhood?

Is The USA The Only Nation in the World With Corporate Personhood? By Rob Kall   Posted: 02/ 8/2012    Huffington Post It’s not surprising to learn that no nation on earth enshrines in its constitution the right of corporate personhood. Mila Versteeg, associate law professor at the University of Virginia, is probably the only More

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