Flowers and Zeese | The Propaganda Of War

 There are multiple efforts at present to strengthen and revive the peace movement in the United States, and this is a critical necessity. As we wrote several weeks ago, a crisis either manufactured or not can be used to impose greater restrictions on our civil liberties and push through unpopular policies. It is up to More

Flowers and Zeese | The Propaganda Of War

 There are multiple efforts at present to strengthen and revive the peace movement in the United States, and this is a critical necessity. As we wrote several weeks ago, a crisis either manufactured or not can be used to impose greater restrictions on our civil liberties and push through unpopular policies. It is up to More

David Swanson | Public vs. Media on War

Although the public believes the hype about danger emanating from these foreign forces, it does not favor the solution it is endlessly offered by the media and the U.S. government.

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