▶ Scahill/Devereaux: New Details In U.S. Terrorism Watchlist Expansion

The Obama Administration tried to keep secret the expansion of their terrorism watchlist system where “concrete facts” or “irrefutable evidence” isn't needed to deem someone a terrorist. We'll talk with the Intercept reporters who have the document. Huffington Post  Originally aired on July 23, 2014 Watch the video here. Subscribe or “Follow” us on RiseUpTimes.org. Rise Up More

Glenn Greenwald: On the UK’s Equating of Journalism With Terrorism

By Glenn Greenwald  The Intercept  19 Feb 2014 As my colleague Ryan Deveraux reports, a lower UK court this morning, as long expected, upheld the legality of the nine-hour detention of my partner, David Miranda, at Heathrow Airport last August, even as it acknowledged that the detention was “an indirect interference with press freedom”. Click to Read More

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