Rob Kall> Framing Protesters and Media as Terrorists

Framing Protesters and Media as Terrorists By Rob Kall (about the author)     May 21, 2012 You need to read this. Three NATO Activists Charged with Terror Plot After Posting Video of Police Harassment  We’ve seen the US prosecute and imprison eco-protesters as terrorists.  We’ve seen many examples of police arresting people who photograph or video police making More

Rob Kall> Framing Protesters and Media as Terrorists

Framing Protesters and Media as Terrorists By Rob Kall (about the author)     May 21, 2012 You need to read this. Three NATO Activists Charged with Terror Plot After Posting Video of Police Harassment  We’ve seen the US prosecute and imprison eco-protesters as terrorists.  We’ve seen many examples of police arresting people who photograph or video police making More

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