Mark Fiore: The Gospel of Denial

Fiore: Now that Pope Francis has come out on the side of acknowledging human-caused global warming, Republican presidential contenders are suddenly on the side of “science” not religion. Where does this pope guy get off on mixing religion and politics, sheesh!

Robert Perry: Nearing Catastrophe on Iran and Russia

Parry: What is particularly striking about this current moment is how the madness that permeates the U.S. government equally pervades the mainstream U.S. media, which is now incapable of covering major international events except through the lens of State Department propaganda, a situation that has reached extreme levels in the reporting on the Ukraine crisis.

E.J. Dionne, Jr.: What Change Sounds Like

a truly revealing leading indicator in politics is the moment when those on one side of the political debate are forced to talk about the problems that the other side sees as most pressing. Doing so inevitably reinforces their opponents’ worldview and suggests a retreat from their own ideology.

▶ The Elizabeth Warren Speech That Has Everyone Talking

The Massachusetts senator sure won’t let big banks get away with the kind of blatant robbery other members of Congress seem perfectly happy to allow. Friday, Elizabeth Warren gave a scathing speech against bank bailouts on the Senate floor that has some proclaiming it may be the kind of address that gets her elected president of the More

David Swanson, Urgent: Right-Left Alliance Needed to Stop This War!

Big groups on the left have told me that they will not have any time for opposing war until the elections are over, at which point they'll be happy to "hold accountable" any of the Democrats they've just reelected. There are organizations who do the same thing for Republicans. By david swanson   Ron Paul Institute for More

E. J. Dionne: The Vital Incoherent Center

 Every decade or so, the Pew Research Center sorts the American electorate into discrete groupings with interesting names.    By E.J. Dionne, Jr.  June 30, 2014 Dirk Loop (CC-BY) Here’s one political paradox: A substantial majority of Americans do not fit neatly into the conventional “liberal” and “conservative” boxes, yet there is no coherent political center. Those More

Thom Hartmann: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

By Thom Hartmann (about the author)  OpEdNews Op Eds 6/5/2014  Cross-posted from Thom Hartmann Program The Rise of Right Wing Hate (image by YouTube) The "vast right-wing conspiracy" machine is alive and well in America today. Unless you've been buried under a rock since this weekend, you've probably seen an interview or two with a former Army soldier who served with More

▶ Juan Cole: Top 6 Pulitzer Prize ‘Traitors’ in American Journalism

The Pulitzer Prize committee’s opinion that Edward Snowden is a public servant rather than a traitor or criminal, as evidenced in its award to The Guardian and The Washington Post for their reporting from his trove of government documents, is a scandal on the American Right. But it is not a new scandal.      Former Guardian More

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