Chris Hedges | The Elites Won’t Save Us 

The tension between the Trump White House and segments of the establishment, including the courts, the intelligence community and the State Department, has been misconstrued as evidence that the elites will remove Trump from power.

Chris Hedges | The Elites Won’t Save Us 

The tension between the Trump White House and segments of the establishment, including the courts, the intelligence community and the State Department, has been misconstrued as evidence that the elites will remove Trump from power.

Henry A. Giroux | Trumping America

Giroux: Rather than viewing Trump’s comments as a political virus that has deep roots in nativist apoplexy and a long legacy of racism and state violence, his despicable remarks are reduced to an uncivil rant by a bullying member of the billionaire class with no reference to the unmarked status of white privilege and its underlying logic of white supremacy. Such commentary at its core is superficial, duplicitous, and represents a flight from responsibility and a politics of denial.

RNC 8’s New Book: Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism

 Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism is the collective autobiography  of  several  members  of  the  RNC  8.  Charged  with  felony  conspiracy  and violations  of  the  Minnesota  Patriot  Act  for  organizing  logistics  for protests against  the  2008  Republican  National  Convention  in  St.  Paul,  authors  reveal their  upbringings,  early  political  involvements,  the  “RNC Welcoming Committee,” infiltration, arrests, legal defense and outcomes of the case. Authored  by  RNC  8  defendants,  Luce  Guillén­Givins,  Max  Specktor,  Eryn Trimmer,  Monica  Bicking,  Robert  Czernik  More

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