Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us, by Sue Ann Martinson

Originally published in July, 2022: Unfortunately, not much has changed since this article was originally published in the Women Against Military Madness Newsletter and on ScheerPost, except the climate crisis has worsened with extreme heat waves in southeast Asia and more climate dhange in the U.S. and worldwide while the fossil suel industry and the corporations drag their feet at does the Biden administration, dependent on their money.

Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us, by Sue Ann Martinson

Unfortunately, not much has changed since this article was origianlly published in the Women Against Military Madness Newsletter and on ScheerPost, except the climate crisis has worsened with extreme heat waves in southeast Asia and more climate dhange in the U.S. and worldwide while the fossil suel industry and the corporations drag their feet at does the Biden administration, dependent on their money.

Building a Visionary Antiwar Movement, Code Pink

As we're seeing the four interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, militarism, and ecological devastation at full force with war profiteers making record profits as millions fall into poverty, our reproductive rights are stripped, and deadly shootings become part of our daily reality, as our environmental devastation worsens, now is the time to come together.

Tell Congress to CUT THE PENTAGON! No $813 billion for war. ACT NOW!

Yesterday, Ukrainian and Russian officials held another round of high-level negotiations in Turkey. Ukraine says it will accept neutral status and be a non-nuclear country and Russia says it will reduce some military activity "to increase mutual trust." While these developments give some reason for optimism, Biden’s proposed FY2023 does the opposite.

Polly Mann: Where Will All the Money Go in 2016?

The United States could put an end to poverty in this country by a substantial reduction in its enormous military budget. To do this would require a well-funded campaign, and how could the peace movement begin to amass funds sufficient to challenge those provided lobbyists by the military-industrial complex? Lobbyists, in turn, use whatever means are legal (usually, that is) to influence the lawmakers to enact legislation benefiting the arms makers.

Polly Mann> GI Jane and the Enemy Within

GI Jane and the Enemy Within By Polly Mann  March/April 2013  www.worldwidewamm.org Recent legislation authorized women in the military to engage in armed combat. Many of us have been working for change in the opposite direction. Women Against Military Madness had its inception in 1981 when statistics showed that more women than men opposed war More

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